Back to School Tips: How to prepare your little one for the new school year

For children, the beginning of the new school year comes with a whole range of feelings. On one hand, the summer is coming to an end and a new series of responsibilities will begin, while on the other hand, they will see their friends again. To avoid your child feeling overwhelmed, prepare in advance for the return to school.

Sometimes, the little ones do not express their anxiety through words. In such situations, look for signs that may indicate how they’re feeling: they need your attention more than usual, there are changes in their sleep schedule, they are irritable, they have difficulty concentrating or they cry for no reason.

To ease the going back to school process for your little one, we have the following tips for you:

Talk to your child 

The first step is to find out how they feel about the start of the new school year. Make sure they understand that you are supporting them at all times. It’s important for them to feel comfortable talking to you about their colleagues, teachers, or classes.

Let your child know that they can always talk to you about their doubts, fears, or any other uncomfortable feeling. Give them your patience, understanding, and encouragement. By learning how they really feel, you’ll know how to do better as a parent. If the little one has questions you don’t know the answer to, don’t guess it. Use the opportunity to discover the answers together.

If possible, consider taking the first week of school off, so you’ll be able to help your little one get used to the new routine.

Brain training

During summer, kids have less opportunity to use certain knowledge and skills acquired during the school year. Help them get back into the school for kindergarten routine by introducing in their daily schedule some activities that stimulate their concentration, memory, and attention.

Reading is one of the most effective ways to keep their little minds trained. 1-2 weeks before school starts, read together daily. To stimulate logic and imagination, ask your child questions about what’s happening in the story.

If your child is older, find out what books they’ll be studying during the new school year. Help your kid get familiar with those books before school starts. This way, he’ll be more confident in class.

Adjust their sleep schedule

Establish a reasonable bedtime and wake-up schedule so that the little one gets used to a well-established routine. This way, you’ll ease the transition and also make sure that he gets enough rest. A night of restful sleep for children up to 12 years consists of 10-11 hours of sleep per night.

Enough rest improves your child’s ability to concentrate, memorize and be creative. If it’s difficult for your little one to fall asleep, choose to do a relaxing activity before bed. For example, taking a warm bath or listening to soothing music.

Let your little one choose their supplies

Set a day to spend shopping together. Give your child the options that fit your budget, but let them make the final choices. If they get to choose the school supplies they like, they’ll be more eager to use them and they get to practice their organizing skills. We recommend you to do this in advance to make sure that you find everything your child needs in due time. 

As for kids’ clothes, choose the ones that your kids can easily use to dress themselves. In the context of social distancing, in which parents don’t have access to kindergarten or school to help their children get dressed or undressed, the clothes they can use on their own come in handy.

Create a space and a schedule for studying

Regardless of the age of your child, at the beginning of each new school year, their study space must be redecorated and reorganized according to their needs. It must spark their interest, creativity, and concentration.

When arranging the space for your little one, take into account the following aspects: colors of choice, the desk, the chair, the lighting, and the storage space.

Some children are excited, while others are more fearful. No matter how your child waits for the start of the school year, set aside time to prepare for an easy transition from the free summer days to the busy school days. 



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